Battle Ave Saw The Egg

New year, new music. That’s how this works, right?

Sure, there’s a lot that feels like more of the same, especially over these last couple of years – days and nights and weekends and weekdays all just roll into each other, in a blurry haze of some kind of existence, and that existence – good or bad – needs a soundtrack. More than that, we all strive to make sense of whatever is (or isn’t) happening. Kingston, NY band Battle Ave attempts (and succeed at!) just that with their upcoming 3rd full length, I Saw The Egg. Examining the changes that life brings to us, evolving over time, making the best of things or just getting on with it. Underneath it all, often deceptively minimalistic but secretly complex indie rock bubbles and scrapes away at the edges, while the hooks draw you in. This is music you’ll want to spend some time with.

We’re so excited to announce the record (due out 4/1) in collaboration with our friends at Friend Club Records! A pair of singles – “Maya” and “Leo” (feat Laura Stevenson) are out now, premiering at the very lovely Various Small Flames.

“What emerges is a constant interplay between contemplation and forward motion. An openness to contradiction that allows vastness to sit alongside intimacy, ominousness next to sincerity, and ultimately embraces the beauty and truth of ambiguity. I Saw the Egg is the work of a band who have come to understand the value in dropping any preconceptions or images of their own future, allowing themselves to be shaped by the uncertain present instead.”

Our favorite helium ant (who has an actual website now! OMG!) also chimes in with some kind words:

Leo -“The escalator isn’t working, so take it like stairs to the second floor where the coat racks are empty, and it’s just plastic hangers gently bouncing like a ghost brushed past.”

Maya – “Running through the orange of fading maple leaves across the lawn and you fall like slow motion into the damp sod and smile as the streaks of mud stain your hands and clothes.”

small albums on battle ave